In the Kayaw tribe village we were supposed to be the first “white people”
We are so excited just about the memory of that day!!! Thanks to huge coincidence we met John and his Uncle from the Kayaw tribe…the tribe we wanted to visit very much during our stay in Loikaw. Imagine that on that day our new friend were on the way to visit his family in a village really located over the hills and far away… just like in fairy tales
! There was a very winding and steep road where we saw only one car on our way !! What is more..the road itself was built just a few months ago and just after that the electricity was brought to the village. Earlier people could only get there by foot… But before we got to our final destination we stopped in different Kayaw village where some government program is running so mostly that one is visited by some tourists. It was nice and cheerful place and the volunteer have explained us how everything works there. However in spite of the seeming naturalness we felt that in the next village will be definitely more “authentic”
… and we were right! We got to the place where most of the older people have seen a ‘white man’ for the first time in their lives
They watched us, they touched, hugged … and just were curious about us as much as we were about them! We felt little bit like from another planet 😉 But as we came with someone from their tribe we were treated right away not like a stranger!! They invited us to their homes, talked with us willingly, offer to taste their own wine and even invited us for a dinner consisting of a big traditional tray of rice and grilled frogs (whole one with eyes!), marinated grasshoppers, half-raw small fish and fried crabs!!! Maciek as a vegetarian faced that challenge to explain that he doesn’t eat animals:) … Definitely all the explanations were useless
After the sunset the big party on the occasion of the newly built house of our new friend’s brother have began!!! For this reason a big pig was killed and a veeery big pot of food was prepared from it. One person was giving to all the guest that food straight into their hands!!
Another person offered to all special tabaco betel and cigarettes… There were villagers with traditional handmade instruments and more jugs of wine
People were passing a special clay jug with bamboo straw from hands to hands after taking a sip 😀 We got even dressed in traditional Kayaw costumes so we could also feel for a moment like a part of that one big family
… and we of course started dancing together !!! Holding hands, we all danced in the circle. Everybody were laughing when we wrongly moved or when we wanted to add some “new element” to their traditional choreography
We felt the party was even more exciting and celebrated because of our visit. Maybe if we were not be there it would finish a little sooner? It is not important! 🙂 Important is that atmosphere we could experience
!!! This is simply indescribable! We had the impression that it was all just a dream! We were afraid that someone will wake us up… But that didn’t happen
What we have experienced there is even unbelievable for us! These kind of moments just make us sure that traveling on our own and taking the off the beaten paths is what drives us the most, giving us an incredible kick for action and further exploration